Exchange rates table for Samoan Tala

The table below shows the exchange rates for Samoan Tala. In the column «Chart and Table» there are two quick links to the exchange rates graph and the history in the form of a table.

Major Europe Asia North America Africa South America All Currencies
From To Exchange Rate (24h) Chart and Historical Conversions
WST australian dollarAustralian Dollar 0.535809 ▾-0.302% Convert WST to AUD
WST brazilian realBrazilian Real 1.965 ▾-0.405% Convert WST to BRL
WST canadian dollarCanadian Dollar 0.488755 ▾-0.144% Convert WST to CAD
WST bitcoinBitcoin 0.000005828151 ▾-0.776% Convert WST to BTC
WST chinese renminbiChinese Renminbi 2.596 ▴0.041% Convert WST to CNY
WST danish kroneDanish Krone 2.485 ▾-0.381% Convert WST to DKK
WST euroEuro 0.333174 ▾-0.365% Convert WST to EUR
WST pound sterlingPound Sterling 0.282211 ▾-0.270% Convert WST to GBP
WST hong kong dollarHong Kong Dollar 2.789 ▾-0.001% Convert WST to HKD
WST indian rupeeIndian Rupee 29.799 ▾-0.173% Convert WST to INR
WST japanese yenJapanese Yen 57.286 ▾-0.144% Convert WST to JPY
WST south korean wonSouth Korean Won 494.429 ▾-0.696% Convert WST to KRW
WST mexican pesoMexican Peso 6.574 ▴0.481% Convert WST to MXN
WST nigerian nairaNigerian Naira 541.393 Convert WST to NGN
WST norwegian kroneNorwegian Krone 3.801 ▾-0.413% Convert WST to NOK
WST new zealand dollarNew Zealand Dollar 0.584867 ▾-0.427% Convert WST to NZD
WST pakistani rupeePakistani Rupee 99.465 ▴0.001% Convert WST to PKR
WST russian rubleRussian Ruble 30.501 ▾-3.227% Convert WST to RUB
WST singapore dollarSingapore Dollar 0.484459 ▾-0.177% Convert WST to SGD
WST thai bahtThai Baht 13.135 ▾-0.490% Convert WST to THB
WST ukrainian hryvniaUkrainian Hryvnia 14.470 ▾-0.030% Convert WST to UAH
WST united states dollarUnited States Dollar 0.357143 Convert WST to USD